Title VI Program
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency will continue to carry out its programs, activities, and services in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Fresno County Rural Transit Agency or any of its employees will continue to not exclude any persons, on the grounds of race, color, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity, from participating in, deny the benefits of, or subject him/her to discrimination under any Fresno County Rural Transit Agency programs, services, or activities.
For more information about Fresno County Rural Transit Agency’s Title VI Program and complaint procedures you may call (559) 233-6789, or click on the following:
Title VI: FCRTA Title VI 2023 Final
Title VI Public Notice Spanish: Spanish Title VI public notice
Title VI Complaint Form English: Title VI Complaint Procedure Complaint Form English
Title VI Complaint Form Spanish: Title VI Complaint Procedure Complaint Form -Spanish
— — —
To view the document you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Please note that the document may not display correctly unless you have the most current version of Adobe installed on your machine. Download it now for free!
FCRTA – RFP for Transit Services
To continue reading the RFP click here: Final FCRTA Contracted Services RFP (v4.8) (002)
Addendum 1: RFP 2025-01 Addendum #1
Addendum 2: Attachment 7-RFP 2025-01 Addendum #2
Addendum 3: RFP 2025-01 Addendum #3
Question & Answers: Bidder Questions & Responses 2025 2-14-25
Q&A Attachment 1: Attachment 1-Bus Fares Jan-Dec. 2024
Q&A Attachment 2: Attachment 2-FCRTA Fleet List 1_27_2025
Q&A Attachment 3: Attachment 3-FCRTA Bus EV Rollout Plan_FINAL_8.9.23
Q&A Attachment 4: Attachment 4-Transit Functions Matrix
Q&A Attachment 5: Attachment 5-Monthly Report December 2024
Q&A Attachment 6: Attachment 6-FCRTA Invoices
Current Contractor Labor Code Information: MV California Labor Code 1070 Information FCRTA 2.7.25
Proposed Contract Period: Three Years (September 2, 2025/26 – FY31/32) & Four Option Years
Proposals shall be addressed to:
Gilbert Garza
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency (FCRTA)
Attn: Contracted Services RFP – RFP # 2025-01
2035 Tulare Street, Suite 201
Fresno, CA 93721
Vendors must submit proposal responses in a sealed package containing:
- Original Proposal
One (1) unbound and signed proposal marked “ORIGINAL” on the cover page (proposal shall be clipped or in an unsealed envelope marked “Original Proposal”)
- Cost Proposal
One (1) hard copy of cost proposal in a sealed envelope marked “COST PROPOSAL”
- Copies of Proposal
Eight (8) clipped (not bound) copies of the proposal only (excluding the cost proposal)
- Electronic Copy
One (1) copy of the Original Proposal (signed) on a USB drive in a sealed envelope marked “ELECTRONIC COPY” with the Cost Proposal included as a separate, password-protected file.
FCRTA may request the password from the contractor on or after the RFP deadline, but the proposer shall not provide FCRTA with the password to the cost proposal prior to the proposal deadline.
Proposers are requested to place a label, as shown below over the envelope or box seal:
Received Date: ______________ Time: _______
Received By: _____________ ______________
(printed name) (signature)
Inquiries: Questions related to this RFP should be directed to:
Gilbert Garza, Senior Transit Planner
Email ggarza@fresnocog.org.
Questions may be asked at any time prior to, but no later than February 10, 2025.
Meeting Agenda March 27, 2025
To continue reading the agenda click here: MARCH 2025 Board Meeting Agenda
FCRTA Transit Feasibility Study
FCRTA was awarded for $274,299 in funding through the Caltrans Sustainable Communities Transportation Planning Grant Program. The project included a transit feasibility study along Golden State Boulevard. The project includes an evaluation of the physical/financial feasibility of developing a light rail, bus rapid transit (BRT), or monorail that utilizes existing medians/shoulders along Golden State Boulevard to connect Southern Fresno County with the communities of Calwa and Malaga and the cities of Fowler, Selma, and Kingsburg, with extensions to Southwest and downtown Fresno, Sanger, Parlier, Reedley and Orange Cove. The study evaluated the physical and financial feasibility of several transit alternatives including low-or zero emissions light rail, bus rapid transit, or hybrid transit. To assess the feasibility of various transit options, the Walker Consulting looked at three major components; cost and cost effectiveness, service utility and utilization, and technical feasibility. Based on the analysis, there were short term and long term recommendations made. Near term recommendations include increase fixed-route frequency and new microtransit service in towns along the corridor. Long term recommendations include implementing bus rapid transit when ridership meets thresholds and potentially align BRT with a managed lane on SR 99.
The study is available at the link FCRTA SR 99 Transit Feasibility Study_Final2025
Meeting Agenda February 27, 2025
To continue reading the agenda click here: FEB 2025 Board Meeting Agenda
Item 2B: Transit Roadmap Agreement Walker Approved
Item 2D: FCRTA-Amendment No. 2R1
Meeting Agenda – January 30, 2025
To continue reading the agenda click here: January 2025 Board Meeting Agenda_
Item 2D: Final FCRTA Contracted Services RFP (v4.8) (002)
Item 2E: Caltrans ZEV_Summary of Work (002)
RFP – FCRTA Fresno County Transit Roadmap – Due 1/21/25
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency (FCRTA) is requesting proposals from qualified consultants to develop a Fresno County Transit Roadmap. This project would identify the existing service through a comprehensive evaluation of FCRTA’s operations in the 13 rural cities and 39 unincorporated areas of Fresno County. It would then evaluate strategies to reimagine existing services and potentially new options, such as partnerships to serve affordable housing sites and transit vouchers. The project would also recommend fare structure for new service models, a plan for right-sized vehicles, and a service that best meets demand. It would also evaluate new technology to replace FCRTA’s existing software for scheduling and rider trip planning through improved use of trip sharing algorithms to plan better shared rides between passengers for on-demand, rural, and paratransit, efficient driver route, and higher vehicle utilization, potentially to decrease overall agency costs, enabling on-demand booking options, both online and through smartphone applications, and seamless integration between route service and on-demand service. The outcome would be an actionable roadmap for FCRTA to cost-effectively provide better service to ensure transit is a viable option for those that need it most, grow ridership, and leverage FCRTA’s capital investments, such as its new maintenance facility and microgrids.
To continue reading the RFP click here: ROUTE ANALYSIS RFP
To continue reading the Q & A click here: transit roadmap RFP Q & A
Proposals are due and must be received at the FCRTA office at 2035 Tulare Street, Suite 201, Fresno, CA 93721 by 4:00PM on Tuesday January 21st.
Meeting Agenda November 21, 2024
To continue reading the agenda click here: NOV 2024 Board Meeting Agenda
Item 2B: Amendment 6 Lease Agreement
Item 2C: NTR FCRTA Kingsburg Resiliency Hub Amd 1
Item 2D: 11-19-24_FCRTA FS 2024 DRAFT_
Meeting Agenda October 24, 2024
To continue reading the agenda click here: OCT 2024 Board Meeting Agenda
To continue reading Item 2B: Drug & Alcohol Policy click here: 2024 FCRTA Drug Alcohol Policy
Meeting Agenda September 26, 2024
To continue reading the agenda click here: SEPTEMBER 2024 Board Meeting Agenda
Item 2C: FCRTA_TDA_Claim_2024-25
Meeting Agenda July 25, 2024
To continue reading the agenda click here: JULY 2024 Board Agenda Final Revised
Meeting Agenda June 27, 2024
To continue reading the agenda click here: JUNE 2024 Board Meeting Agenda
Item 2A: FCRTA2425BUD
Item 3B: FAX_FCRTA_OPB 2024-25
Item 3C: CTSA Agreement 2024
Item 3D: Fowler Safety and Security Agreement FY24-25
Item 3E: Walker Amendment 5 BR Approved
Item 3F: 2024 KART Agreement
Item 3G: Amendment 8 MV BR Approved
Item 3F: Amendment 5 City of Selma Maintenance 2024 BR Approved
Meeting Agenda May 30, 2024
To continue reading the agenda click here: May 2024 Meeting Agenda
To continue reading Item 2B click here: FCRTA 2425 Draft BUDGET
To continue reading Item 2E click here: FCRTA Microgrid Study_FINAL_5.23.24
FCRTA Draft Budget FY 2024-25: FCRTA 2425 Draft BUDGET
FCRTA Microgrid Study Report: FCRTA Microgrid Study_FINAL_5.2024
Meeting Agenda April 25, 2024
To continue reading the agenda and the attachments see links below.
Agenda: FCRTA April 2024 Board Meeting Agenda_
Item 3B: LCTOP Board Resolution-Certs Assurances April 25 2024
LCTOP Board Resolution-Authorization for Execution of Grant Project April 25 2024
Item 3C: FCRTA Waiver for WAV contract with FCOG (002)
Item 3D: FCRTA TAM Plan Version 1 April 2024_agenda
Item 3E: FY 2024 FTA Certifications and Assurances
Item 3F: CHP339 MV2024
Meeting Agenda March 28, 2024
To continue reading the agenda click here: March 2024 Board Meeting Agenda
To continue reading Item 2B click here: Approved Walker Agreement
To continue reading Item 2D click here: FLEET004916214_Contract For TtM plus Incentives_YesRebates_3_12_2024
RFP: Charging Master Plan and Energy Management System Plan – Due February 29, 2024
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency (FCRTA) is requesting proposals from qualified consultants to develop an EV Charging Master Plan and Energy Management System Plan. The next step in FCRTA’s electrification efforts is to develop a comprehensive EV charging master plan and an energy system management plan. Building on FCRTA’s previous efforts, the EV charging plan will evaluate the locations that charging equipment is needed, the types of equipment, cost of the equipment, and integration with future microgrids. FCRTA has a need for an energy management system to monitor the energy needs, consumption, solar generation and storage.
Questions should be emailed to delcampo@fresnocog.org. Proposals are due and must be received at the FCRTA office at 2035 Tulare Street, Suite 201, Fresno, CA 93721 by 4:00PM on Thursday, February 29th.
To continue the Q & A click here: FCRTA Charging Master Plan RFP Q & A
To continue reading the RFP click here: CHARGING MASTER PLAN STUDY RFP
Meeting Agenda February 29, 2024
To continue reading the agenda click here: February 2024 Board Meeting Agenda
To continue reading Item 2D click here: Kitchell Amendment I Approved
Meeting Agenda January 25, 2024
To continue reading the agenda click here: January 2024 Board Meeting Agenda
To continue reading Item 2B click here: Approved Lease Amendment
To continue reading Item 2F click here:
Meeting Agenda November 30, 2023
To continue reading click here: November 2023 Board Meeting Agenda V2
To continue reading Item 2B click here: Amendment 5 Lease Agreement
Meeting Agenda October 26, 2023
To continue reading the agenda click here: October 2023 FCRTA Agenda
FCRTA Zero-Emission Bus Rollout Plan
California Air Resources Board (CARB) requires each transit agency to complete and submit a Zero-Emission Bus Rollout Plan (Rollout Plan) showing how it plans to achieve a full transition to zero-emission buses (ZEBs). The FCRTA Rollout Plan is a living document and is meant to guide the implementation of zero-emission bus fleets and help FCRTA work through many of the potential challenges and explore solutions. The plan includes estimated timelines based on best available information for bus purchases and infrastructure upgrades.
To continue reading the FCRTA Zero-Emission Bus Rollout Plan click here: FCRTA Bus EV Rollout Plan_FINAL
Meeting Agenda September 28, 2023
To continue reading the agenda click here: FCRTA SEPT 2023 AGENDA
Item 2F: Walker Amendment 4 FCRTA signed
Item 2G: Approved Walker_FCRTA_CaltransZEV_Agreement_FTAClauses_V4
Item 2H: Transit – Proposal Template_FCRTA Bus Shelters_Second Submittal
Meeting Agenda July 27, 2023
To continue reading the agenda click here: FCRTA JULY 2023 AGENDA
ITEM 2D: 2023.07.20 BDR Approved Walker_FCRTA_CaltransZEV_Agreement
Meeting Agenda June 29, 2023
To continue reading the agenda click here: FCRTA June 2023 Agenda
To continue reading the agenda attachments click here:
ITEM 2B- FCRTA FY 23-24 BUDGET: Budget FY 2023-24
ITEM 3B- OPB FY 23-24: FAX_FCRTA_OPB_2023-2024
ITEM 3C- FEOC AGREEMENT: 2023.05.15.3 BDR Approved CTSA Agreement 2023
ITEM 3D- 2024-28 Short Range Transit Plan: SRTP FCRTA 2024-2028 Final
ITEM 3E- Security Agreements: Orange Cove Safety and Security Agreement FY23-24
ITEM 3F- Walker Amendment: Walker Amendment 3 BR Approved
ITEM 3G- KART Agreement: 2023 KART AGREEMENT_1
ITEM 3H- MV Amendment: Amendment 7 MV BR approved
ITEM 3I- Selma Maintenance Amendment: Amendment 4 City of Selma Maintenance 2023 BR Approved
ITEM 3J- TITLE VI: FCRTA Title VI Program 2023
Meeting Agenda May 25, 2023
To continue reading the agenda click here: FCRTA May 2023 Meeting Agenda
To continue reading the agenda attachments click here:
FCRTA FY 2023-24 Draft Budget: Draft Budget Fy23-24
2024-2028 Short Range Transit Plan: SRTP FCRTA 2024-2028 Final
Zero Emission Bus Rollout Plan: FCRTA Bus EV Rollout Plan
Meeting Agenda April 27, 2023
To continue reading the agenda click here: FCRTA April 2023 Agenda
To continue reading Item 2C click here:
Conflict Waiver (by FCOG) for paratransit bus w_ FCRTA
To continue reading Item 2E click here:
CHP Inspection March 2022
3-29-23 CHP339
2024-2028 Short Range Transit Plan for the Rural Fresno County Area
The Short Range Transit Plan (SRTP) for the rural Fresno County area has been developed by the Fresno Council of Governments (Fresno COG), and updated by FCRTA in cooperation with the Cities of Coalinga, Firebaugh, Fowler, Huron, Kerman, Kingsburg, Mendota, Orange Cove, Parlier, Reedley, Sanger, San Joaquin, Selma and County of Fresno. The SRTP for the rural Fresno County area provides a five (5) year action-oriented program to implement the Public Transportation Element of the Regional transportation Plan (2022). The SRTP is also consistent with the Fresno County Regional Long-Range Transit Plan (LRTP) 2019-2050 and the FCRTA EV Rollout Plan.
To continue reading the document click here: SRTP FCRTA 2024-2028 Final
FCRTA Bus Rollout Plan
To continue reading the document click here: FCRTA Bus EV Rollout Plan Final
RTAP- EV Micro Transit Service Expansion Analysis
To continue reading the report click here: RTAP Final Report_032423
The Fresno County Rural Transit Agency (FCRTA) and Fresno Area Express (FAX) are soliciting proposals to provide social service transportation in two (2) service areas: Rural Fresno County and Urban- City of Fresno.
Meeting Agenda March 30, 2023
To continue reading the agenda click here:
March 2023 Agenda
Microgrid Study Survey and Outreach Events
• Community survey is live! A short survey asking about the amenities people would like to have at a mobility/resiliency hub. Survey responses will help inform what people need in times of an emergency and the types of services/infrastructure they want at the hubs during non-emergency times. Please help us spread the word about the survey at your local meetings, social media, newsletters, and other channels.
o English: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/microgrid
o Spanish: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/microrred
• Community events – We are holding six events in March. The event details are below, and flyers are attached (in English and Spanish) We’ll have food, beverages, and prizes. Again, please help us spread the word so attendance is strong!
All the event flyers click here: FCRTA Microgrid_Events_Flyers
o Parlier Heritage Park, Tuesday March 14th, 3:30pm to 6:30pm
o Fowler Council Chambers, 128 South 5th Street, Tuesday March 14th, 4:00pm to 6pm
o Kerman Farmers Market, 15101 W. Kearney Blvd., Wednesday March 15th, 5pm to 8pm
o Reedley Community Center, 100 N. East Avenue, Wednesday March 15th 4:30pm to 7pm
o Firebaugh 1655 13th Street, Thursday March 16th, 9am to Noon
o Huron Council Chambers, 17051 12th Street, Thursday March 16th, 3pm to 6pm
All of the information is also available on the project website at: https://www.ruraltransit.org/transit-microgrid-feasibility-study/
Meeting Agenda February 23, 2023
To continue reading the agenda click here:
Febuary 2023 Agenda
Item 2B: 2022_Transit_Productivity_Evaluation
Item 2C: 2.14.2023 BCSD MOU 01
Item 2E: NTR.FCRTA Funding. Kingsburg Resiliency Hub(FV)
Item 2F:NTR.FCTRA.Funding.Selma Maint Facility + Chrging Station(FV)
Item 3A: FCRTA Financial Statements 2022
2022 Transit Productivity Evaluation
Summary: Under California Public Utilities Code 99244, Fresno COG annually conducts a productivity evaluation to assess transit operators in the region that receive State Transportation Development Act funds and to recommend potential productivity improvements. The evaluation identifies, analyzes, and recommends potential productivity improvements that could lower transit providers’ operational costs. If Fresno COG determines that an operator has not made a reasonable effort to implement the recommended improvements, then local transportation funds allocated to that operator cannot exceed the appropriation from the prior year.
The FY 2022 productivity evaluation assesses the following transit agencies:
1. Fresno Area Express and Handy Ride
2. Clovis Stageline and Roundup
3. Fresno County Rural Transit Agency
4. Consolidated Transportation Services Agencies for the metropolitan and rural areas.
To continue reading the document click here:
Meeting Agenda January 26, 2023
To continue reading the agenda click here:
January 2023 meeting agenda
To continue reading Item 3C click here:
Transit Feasibility BDR Approved Walker Agreement
Special Meeting Agenda January 12, 2023
To continue reading the special meeting agenda click here:
Jan 2023 Special Meeting Agenda
RFP- Transit Feasibility Study Due 1/3/23
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency (FCRTA) is requesting proposals from qualified consultants to conduct an analysis to evaluate the physical/financial feasibility of developing low- or zero-emissions light rail, monorail, exclusive ROW BRT, arterial BRT. The study would evaluate the physical/financial feasibility of developing low- or zero-emissions light rail, monorail, exclusive ROW BRT, arterial BRT or other that utilizes existing medians/shoulders along Golden State Boulevard to connect Southern Fresno with the cities of Malaga, Fowler, Selma, and Kingsburg, with extensions to downtown Fresno, Sanger, and Reedley. The feasibility study would evaluate multiple alternatives, including light rail, bus rapid transit (BRT), and monorail, to determine which alternative would best serve the community. The study would also determine how the service would operate as zero emissions and coordinate with FCRTA’s existing electric vehicle fleet and future microgrid development.
Questions should be emailed to delcampo@fresnocog.org. Proposals are due and must be received at the FCRTA office at 2035 Tulare Street, Suite 201, Fresno, CA 93721 by 4:00PM on Tuesday, January 3rd.
To continue reading the RFP click here: TRANSIT FEASIBILITY STUDY RFP Final
To continue reading the Questions and Answers click here: Transit Feasibility Study Q&A
Meeting Agenda December 15, 2022
To continue reading the agenda click here: DEC 2022 AGENDA
To continue reading Item 2B click here: FCRTA-A141ExhibitA-2014 – Final
Meeting Agenda November 17, 2022
To continue reading the agenda click here: NOV2022AGENDA
To continue reading Item 2B click here: MOU BIOLA BCSD 2022
To continue reading Item 3A click here:
FCRTA-A133ExhibitA-2019 – Final (002)
FCRTA-Exhibits_Attachments (002)
Meeting Agenda October 27, 2022
To continue reading the agenda click here: 10202022130929-0001 (002)
To continue reading Item 2B click here: Agreement with Kitchell – Approved
Meeting Agenda September 29, 2022
To continue reading the agenda click here: DOC092222
Request for Qualifications: On-Call Construction Management Services
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency (FCRTA) is requesting proposals from qualified firms with experience in providing construction management services for public building projects. FCRTA intends to select a firm to provide a single individual to provide on-call construction management services for the FCRTA Maintenance Facility Project.
Submittal deadline is 12pm on Thursday, September 15th, 2022.
To continue reading the RFQ, click here: RFQ Construction Management
Special Meeting Agenda – September 1, 2022
To continue reading the agenda click here: FCRTA UPDATED 9.1.22 SPECIAL MEETING
JOIN BY PHONE: (669) 900-6833 MEETING ID: 870 5989 9742
If you wish to join by phone, please enter the meeting ID followed by # sign. No Passcode is needed.
If you wish to address the Board during the public comment portion of the agenda, click on the “Reactions” Button at the bottom center of your computer screen. Select the Hand icon, click the icon to “Raise Hand”. Your digital hand will now be raised and staff will prompt you to unmute.
When on the phone, if you wish to address the Board during the public comment portion of the agenda, Press *9 to “Raise Hand” and we will select you from the meeting cue and prompt you to unmute.
If joining by phone use *6 to unmute and mute yourself. When joining the meeting all participants are automatically muted. Do NOT use the mute function on your landline phone or cell phone.
Those addressing the Board must state their first and last name and any affiliated agency for the record.
To facilitate electronic access, no person shall speak until recognized by the Chair.
Special Meeting Agenda- August 25, 2022
To continue reading the agenda click here: August 2022 Special Board Meeting Agenda FCRTA Final
JOIN BY PHONE: (669) 900-6833 MEETING ID: 830 9510 3264
If you wish to join by phone, please enter the meeting ID followed by # sign. No Passcode is needed.
If you wish to address the Board during the public comment portion of the agenda, click on the “Reactions” Button at the bottom center of your computer screen. Select the Hand icon, click the icon to “Raise Hand”. Your digital hand will now be raised and staff will prompt you to unmute.
When on the phone, if you wish to address the Board during the public comment portion of the agenda, Press *9 to “Raise Hand” and we will select you from the meeting cue and prompt you to unmute.
If joining by phone use *6 to unmute and mute yourself. When joining the meeting all participants are automatically muted. Do NOT use the mute function on your landline phone or cell phone.
Those addressing the Board must state their first and last name and any affiliated agency for the record.
To facilitate electronic access, no person shall speak until recognized by the Chair.
Meeting Agenda July 28, 2022
To continue reading the agenda click here:
FCRTA Budget FY 2022-23
The Fresno County Rural Transit Agency’s budget has been prepared to reflect Fresno COG’s Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and the Short-Range Transit Plan (SRTP) for the rural Fresno County area, 2022-2026.
The document recommends continuing existing services and capital improvements. This year’s draft budget has been developed to include continued review, comment and action during its 45-day public review period that will culminate on June 30, 2022 with the scheduled FCRTA Board meeting following a public hearing. The numbers in the draft budget are subject to refinement following service contract negotiations, an opportunity for a public presentation before the Board of Directors. The budget, which may require periodic amendments during the 2022-2023 fiscal year, is available here:
Meeting Agenda June 30, 2022
To continue reading the agenda click here:
June Agenda
Meeting Agenda May 26, 2022
To continue reading the agenda click here:
FCRTA May Agenda
Draft Budget FY 2022-23
The Fresno County Rural Transit Agency’s draft budget has been prepared to reflect Fresno COG’s Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and the Short-Range Transit Plan (SRTP) for the rural Fresno County area, 2022-2026.
The document recommends continuing existing services and capital improvements. This year’s draft budget has been developed to include continued review, comment and action during its 45-day public review period that will culminate on June 30, 2022 with the scheduled FCRTA Board meeting following a public hearing. The numbers in the draft budget are subject to refinement following service contract negotiations, an opportunity for public presentations and a public presentation before the Board of Directors. The budget, which may require periodic amendments during the 2022-2023 fiscal year, is available here:
Meeting Agenda April 28, 2022
To continue reading the agenda click here: DOC041822-003
To continue reading agenda item 2E click here: DRAFT BUDGET 22-23
Meeting Agenda March 24, 2022
To continue reading the March 24, 2022 click here:
To continue reading Item 3C click here:
CHP 2022
Meeting Agenda February 24, 2022
To continue reading the February 24, 2022 click here:
FCRTA 2.2022 Agenda
Transit Productivity Evaluation FY 2020-21
The productivity evaluation is conducted annually to assess transit operators that receive State Transportation Development Act funds and to recommend potential productivity improvements. This is an evaluation of all routes and services provided by FCRTA for FY 2020-21 which provides an excellent tool to evaluate ridership and costs of all the subsystems that FCRTA oversees. This analysis is very detailed for routes, hours and days of service by inter-city and intra-city routes.There is also data that is measured by the TDA performance indicators for passenger costs, fares, miles, hours and farebox ratio to determine state compliance for funding. This report will also be used to submit to funding sources and for the Triennial performance Audit.
To continue reading the Transit Productivity Evaluation for FY 2020-21 click here: Transit Productivity Evaluation FY 2021_020122 (002)
FCRTA Grid Analysis Study
FCRTA was awarded $515,800 in funding through the Caltrans Sustainable Communities Transportation Planning Grant Program to conduct an Electrical Grid Analysis Study in rural Fresno County. FCRTA in partnership with AECOM, have prepared this Electrical Grid Analysis Study to identify the impacts of the anticipated increased electrification on the electric grid system and the unique challenges faced by rural communities serviced by FCRTA.
To develop this Study, existing conditions within Fresno County were assessed to identify existing grid-related issues. This included reviewing data from sources that provided information about socioeconomic conditions, energy sources, electrification efforts, and an assessment of the electric grid system. Public outreach efforts during the course of the study took lace to engage residents and community members within Fresno County. To protect public health, these engagements were largely held virtually and provided participants with context about the Study, the basics of electrification, and gave opportunities for discussion on areas of priority. Finally, a technical assessment, taking into account existing and forecasted grid conditions as well as the needs of an electrified FCRTA, was undertaken to identify potential grid constraints and solutions.
Through this analysis, the following recommendations for rural electric grid management were identified: Equitably upgrade and maintain electric grid infrastructure; Reduce risk and impacts of climate change; Ensure transportation system reliability; Build and sustain a foundation for innovative technologies and economic opportunity; Support streamlined planning including permitting. Technical findings indicated that, while the rural Fresno County grid system generally holds sufficient capacity for future electrification, some constraints are forecasted in specific communities. Specifically, the electrical feeder servicing both Selma and the unincorporated community of Tombstone. To mitigate these grid impacts, promote beneficial electrification, and secure the grid against anticipated extreme events due to climate change and catastrophic events, the following strategies have been identified in this report: Development of shared charging infrastructure and models with other public agencies; Infrastructure which integrates solar and storage; Resilience hubs which can be leveraged for transportation, grid, and resilience benefits, particularly in unincorporated communities as well as economic opportunities.
As a whole, this report provides an actionable framework for FCRTA and rural Fresno County communities to understand the current and future state of the electric grid infrastructure and pursue innovative, integrative, and inclusive strategies to adapt to a changing energy and climate system while meeting the needs of vulnerable communities.
To read the Grid Analysis Study Report click here: FCRTA_Grid Analysis Study_FINAL
January 27, 2022 Meeting Agenda
To continue reading the agenda click here: FCRTA 1.2022 AGENDA
RFP: Microgrid Feasibility Study: Due February 3rd, 2022
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency (FCRTA) is requesting proposals from qualified consultants for conducting a distributed energy resource/microgrid feasibility study in rural Fresno County. The intent of this RFP is to retain a consultant to:
• Evaluate the feasibility of distributed energy resources such as microgrids and other affordable charging model technologies for use in Fresno County.
• Evaluate how microgrids would make the FCRTA transit system more efficient, provide more transit service as well as multi-modal options such as electric car share and bike share.
• Assess space/land requirements for generation and storage technologies.
• Recommended vehicle charging infrastructure and technologies, as well operational practices for implementation in Fresno County.
• Develop a system and site plan for each site selected.
• Estimate construction and maintenance costs of the recommended system.
• Develop an implementation plan including cost savings, potential funding sources, and financing options.
Questions should be emailed to delcampo@fresnocog.org. Proposals are due and must be received at the FCRTA office at 2035 Tulare Street, Suite 201, Fresno, CA 93721, by 5 p.m. on Thursday, February 3, 2022.
To continue reading the RFP click here: FCRTA MICROGRID RFP
Addendum 1: Questions & Answers to the RFP- click here: ADDENDUM 1 Q&A
Special Meeting Agenda January 6, 2022
To continue reading the agenda, click here: FCRTA January Special Meeting
Fy 2021-22 Budget Amendment 1
This year’s Budget was approved by the Board on June 24, 2021. The numbers in the 2021-22 Budget Amendment (I) have been refined to include additional state and federal grant funding totaling $244,830 resulting in an increased revenue budget and an updated capital budget to reflect actual capital expenditures in 2020-21 for SGR funds that carried over to 2021-22 totaling $314,904 bringing the new SGR balance to $694,904. The numbers in the Budget are subject to refinement following: service contract negotiations, an opportunity for public comment, and a public presentation before the Board of Directors. The budget is quite dynamic and may require periodic amendments during the course of the 2021-2022 fiscal year.
To continue reading the FY 2021-22 Budget Amendment 1 click here:
Budget 2021-22 Final Amendment I
November 18, 2021 Meeting Agenda
To continue reading the agenda click here:
To continue reading the FY 20-21 Audit click here:
FCRTA Financial Statements 2021
FCRTA Audit Committee Letter 2021
To continue reading the Budget Amendment 1 click here:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 898 2284 4328
Passcode: 065093
Dial in: +1 669 900 6833
FCRTA Agency Audit FY 20-21:
The CPA firm Price Paige and Co. have completed the 2020-21 Financial and Compliance audit for FCRTA. The report details that FCRTA managed its operations according to funding covenants, within budget and has no findings of non-compliance This report satisfies requirements of local, federal, and state funding agencies.
FCRTA’s operating revenues were $223,857 and operating expenses were $8,616,098, which includes $3,072,723 for depreciation. Non-operating revenues were $9,042,492; however, when depreciation is netted out, revenues and expenses are in balance. Capital contributions net of depreciation were 1,405,932, resulting in an ending net position of $11,677,514. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, for FY 20-21 the State of California waived the 10% farebox recovery requirement and FCRTA did not add Measure C funds to its fare totals resulting in an overall farebox recovery of 4.04 percent.
To continue reading the audit click here:
FCRTA Financial Statements 2021
October 28th Meeting Agenda
To continue reading the agenda click here:
FCRTA Agenda Oct. 28 2021
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 867 3484 7360 Passcode: 517338
Dial in: +1 669 900 6833
RFP- Maintenance Facility Project
FCRTA released a Request for Qualification (RFQ) on June 30th for the design and construction of the Fleet Maintenance Facility in Selma. FCRTA solicited Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) from DB Entities in order to solicit information in the form of a qualification questionnaire and qualification statements to create a short-list of up to the three of the most highly qualified Entities and the short-listed Entities will be issued a Request for Proposals (RFP). FCRTA selected 2 DBE’s for the short-list. The Request for RFP was released to the short-listed DBE firms on November 1st. Following receipt of Proposals, FCRTA will select the proposal that FCRTA determines to provide the best value, based on qualifications and other factors that will be set forth in the RFP.
To continue reading the RFP click here: RFP FCRTA Final
To continue reading the attachments click here:
ATTACHMENT A: RFP Maintenance Exhibit A
ATTACHMENT B: RFP Maintenance Exhibit B
ATTACHMENT C: RFP Maintenance Exhibit C
ATTACHMENT D: RFP Maintenance Exhibit D
ATTACHMENT E: RFP Maintenance Exhibit E
ATTACHMENT F: RFP Maintenance Exhibit F
ATTACHMENT G: RFP Maintenance Exhibit G
ATTACHMENT H: RFP Maintenance Exhibit H
ADDENDUM #1: RFP Maintenance Addendum #1
ADDENDUM #2: RFP Addendum 2 – Q&A
Addendum 2 AttachmentC
ADDENDUM #3: RFP Addendum 3- Vendor List
ADDENDUM #4: RFP Addendum 4
Biola Transportation Needs Assessment Report
FCRTA received $36,885 in funding through the Community Mobility Options (CMO) Grant Program. This project included a Community Transportation Needs Assessment focused on the community of Biola and comprised of a transportation access data analysis, community engagement plan and surveying to assess the transportation needs in Biola. The project goal is to identify general concerns around transportation options and to understand how people currently get around as well as obstacles faced by community members who do not have access to a vehicle to travel to destinations such as grocery stores, health care appointments, work, job interviews and other necessary locations. A report was prepared to summarize the efforts involved as part of this grant funding including the transportation needs assessment, community outreach process, and key findings/lessons learned. This report is intended to provide background information to help inform the future expansion of transportation services in Biola.
To continue reading the report click here:
CMO Biola Report
October 21, 2021 Special Meeting Agenda
FCRTA will hold a special meeting ahead of the regular October meeting to address mandates in AB 361, which Governor Newsom signed on September 15.
To continue reading the agenda, click here FCRTA Special Meeting
This special meeting will be held on Thursday, October 21st at 5:30pm.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Join by Phone: (669) 900-6833
Meeting ID: 852 1192 1604
Passcode: 809813
September 20, 2021 Board Meeting Agenda
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 844 4333 2001 Passcode: 638180
Dial in: +1 669 900 6833
To continue reading the agenda click here:
Request for Qualifications: Fleet Maintenance Facility Project
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency (FCRTA) is releasing a Request for Qualification (RFQ) for the design and construction of the Fleet Maintenance Facility. FCRTA is soliciting Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) from DB Entities in order to solicit information in the form of a qualification questionnaire and qualification statements. All DB Entities that intend to submit a proposal for the project must fully complete the SOQ package and provide all materials requested in the RFQ. FCRTA intends to create a short-list of up to the three of the most highly qualified DB Entities and the short-listed DB Entities will be issued a Request for Proposals (RFP). Following receipt of Proposals, FCRTA will select the proposal that FCRTA determines to provide the best value, based on qualifications and other factors that will be set forth in the RFP. It is FCRTA’s intent to award a single contract to a selected DB Entity to deliver this project.
Proposals are due and must be received at the FCRTA office at 2035 Tulare Street, Suite 201, Fresno, CA 93721 by 4:30PM on Friday, July 30th.
To Continue reading the RFQ click here: FCRTA RFQ Final
To continue reading the NEPA document click here: Final FCRTA NEPA CE
FCRTA Grid Analysis Workshop:
On Wednesday, August 18, 2021, the Fresno County Rural Transit Agency will host a workshop to provide information about its Electrical Grid Study. Join us at the Fresno Council of Governments’ offices or via Zoom to learn information about the Study and its progress.
Date: Wednesday, August 18, 2021
Time: 4:00-6:00 PM PST
Location: Fresno COG Offices
2035 Tulare Street, Suite 201
Fresno, CA 93721
Zoom Meeting Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81090916722?pwd=UFZCdElQazRVdmZxQ2VkeStSOTQwdz09
Meeting ID: 810 9091 6722
Passcode: 396404
If Joining by Phone, Dial: (669) 900-6833
Workshop Agenda:
1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Introduction to the Study
3. Study Progress and Key Findings to Date
4. Wrap Up
El Miércoles, Agosto 18, 2021, la Agencia de Tránsito Rural del Condado de Fresno organizará un taller para brindar información sobre su Estudio de la Red Eléctrica. Únase a nosotros en las oficina del Consejo de Goviernos de Fresno o atraves de Zoom para obtener información sobre El Estudio y su progreso.
Fecha: Miércoles, Agosto 18, 2021
Hora: 4:00-6:00 PM PST
En Persona: Fresno COG Offices
2035 Tulare Street, Suite 201
Fresno, CA 93721
Enalece de Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81090916722?pwd=UFZCdElQazRVdmZxQ2VkeStSOTQwdz09
ID de la junta: 810 9091 6722
Contraseña: 396404
Pare unirse por teléfono, marque: (669) 900-6833
Agenda del Taller:
1. Bienvenida y presentaciones
2. Introducción al studio
3. Progreso del studio y hallazgos clave
4. Concluir la reunión
July 29, 2021 Meeting Agenda
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 981 4946 8762 Passcode: 349014
Dial in: +1 669 900 6833
June 24, 2021 Meeting Agenda
To continue reading the agenda click here: June Agenda Final
To continue reading the agenda attachments click here:
Item 2.B. Budget Fy 21-22
Item 3.B. FCRTA FAX Social Service Transportation Draft OPB 2021-2022
Item 3.C. SRTP 2022-26
Item 3.D EOC Agreement Final
Item 3.F. 21-22 Secuirty Agreement Sanger 21-22 Security Agreement Orange Cove21-22 Security Agreement Huron21-22 Security Agreement Mendota21-22 Security Agreement Reedley 21-22 Security Agreement Kerman21-22 Security Agreement Kingsburg 21-22 Security Agreement Coalinga 21-22 Security Agreement Fowler21-22 Security Agreement Firebaugh21-22 Security Agreement Selma21-22 Security Agreement San Joaquin
Item 3.I. TCRTA Agreement 21-22
Item 3.J.KART 2021 Approved
May 27, 2021 Revised Meeting Agenda
To continue reading the agenda click here: FCRTA MAY AGENDA 2
To Join the meeting:
Passcode: 863127
Or join by phone: US: +1 669 900 6833
Consolidated Transportation Services Agency (CTSA) Operations Program & Budget (OPB) FY 2021-22
The CTSA OPB document is designed to provide an overview of how and in what manner the CTSA will provide social service transportation throughout Fresno County over the next fiscal year. The OPB consists of an urban component and a rural component. Sole-designee for the urban CTSA is the City of Fresno/FAX and the sole-designees for the rural CTSA is the Fresno County Rural Transit Agency (FCRTA).
To continue reading the FY21-22 OPB click here: FCRTA FAX Social Service Transportation Draft OPB 2021-2022
Coalinga Transit Update
FCRTA’s contractor MV Transportation will be the new route and dispatch service provider for Coalinga Transit beginning July 1, 2021.
Call 1-855-612-5184 for scheduling rides and route information.
To continue reading, click here Coalinga Transition Flyer
2022-2026 Short Range Transit Plan for the Rural Fresno County Area
The draft Short Range Transit Plan (SRTP) for the rural Fresno County area has been developed by the Fresno Council of Governments (Fresno COG), and updated by FCRTA in cooperation with the Cities of Coalinga, Firebaugh, Fowler, Huron, Kerman, Kingsburg, Mendota, Orange Cove, Parlier, Reedley, Sanger, San Joaquin, Selma and County of Fresno. The SRTP for the rural Fresno County area provides a five (5) year action-oriented program to implement the Public Transportation Element of the Regional transportation Plan (2018). The SRTP is also consistent with the recently adopted Fresno County Regional Long-Range Transit Plan (LRTP) 2019-2050. This document has a proposed adoption of June 24, 2021 following a public hearing at the FCRTA Board meeting.
To continue reading the 2022-2026 Short Range Transit Plan for the Rural Fresno County Area click here: SRTP 2022-26
FCRTA FY 2021-22 Budget
The Fresno County Rural Transit Agency’s budget has been prepared to reflect Fresno COG’s Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and the draft Short-Range Transit Plan (SRTP) for the rural Fresno County area, 2022-2026.
The document recommends continuing existing services and capital improvements. This year’s draft budget has been developed to include continued review, comment and action during its 45-day public review period that will culminate on June 24, 2021 with the scheduled FCRTA Board meeting following a public hearing. The numbers in the draft budget are subject to refinement following service contract negotiations, an opportunity for public presentations and a public presentation before the Board of Directors. The budget, which may require periodic amendments during the 2021-2022 fiscal year, is available at the link below.
The following report documents the environmental determination for the Maintenance and
Operations Facility Project (Project) under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and
consists of a request for a Categorical Exclusion (CE) pursuant to 23 Code of Federal Regulations
(CFR) Part 771.118(d)(6), as proposed by Fresno County Rural Transit Agency (FCRTA).
Continue reading the NEPA report click here: Final FCRTA NEPA CE
April 29, 2021 Meeting Agenda
Joining the meeting:
Join by Phone: (669) 900-6833 US
Passcode: 892347
To continue reading the agenda, click here; FCRTA April 2021 Board Packet
To continue reading the agenda attachment Item 2B, click here; DRAFT BUDGET-2021-22
Fresno COG Community Survey
The Fresno Council of Governments (Fresno COG) is asking residents of Fresno County to help plan our community’s Sustainable Communities Strategy, a plan for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in our region, by responding to an online survey. The SCS is an integral part of Fresno COG’s Regional Transportation Plan Update currently underway. Responses to this survey will assist in choosing actions to improve our air quality, public health and safety, access to jobs, provide support for disadvantaged communities, transit options and more.
The first portion of the survey asks participants to prioritize a list of indicators. This will provide our committees and board with community input when paring down the list to reflect only the highest priority indicators. These indicators will be used to report the performance of SCS Scenarios that will go out to the public for review in August/September of this year. They will show you how well each scenario performed, so their results can be compared to one another.
The second portion of the survey walks participants through brief descriptions of possible SCS Scenarios. All are considered achievable and compatible with current local agency general plans. We ask what they like or don’t like about them. This input will be provided to the Fresno COG committees and Board when they are asked to pare the list of five scenarios to a maximum of three.
In addition to taking the survey, join us for a Fresno COG SCS Virtual Webinar on Tuesday, April 20th at 5:30 pm via Zoom. Spanish translation during the webinar will be available. The survey and registration for the webinar may be accessed at this link; https://www.planfresno.com/scs_survey/
March 25, 2021 Meeting Agenda
If you wish to address the FCRTA Board during the public comment portion of the agenda, click on the icon labeled “Participants” at the bottom center of your PC or Mac screen. At the bottom of the window on the right side of the screen, click the icon labeled “RaiseHand”. Your digital hand will now be raised.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 968 4893 2334
Passcode: 410057
Dial in: +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 968 4893 2334
Passcode: 410057
To continue reading the agenda, click here; FCRTA March 2021 Agenda
To continue reading the agenda attachments, click here;
Item 2B FCRTA Single Audit: FCRTA Single Audit 2020
Item 2C CHP Inspection Report: CHP 2021
Item 2D: Productivity Evaluation: 2020_Transit_Productivity_Evaluation
Notification of Funding Availability: Social Service Transportation
FCRTA and FAX are soliciting applications in the form of an OPB from eligible applicants to provide social service transportation in rural Fresno County and urban- City of Fresno.
The application submission deadline is April 15, 2021.
To continue reading the NOFA, click here; CTSA NOFA Final
FCRTA Grid Analysis Study Virtual Room
As it moves toward a 100% electric fleet, the Fresno County Rural Transit Agency is conducting an electrical grid study to examine possible grid enhancements to meet the needs of rural Fresno County. Potential benefits go far beyond increased access to reliable transportation services and include reliability of the electric grid, economic development, and carbon emission and air pollution reductions.
Want to learn more about the Electrical Grid Study, the trend toward electrification and what it could mean to rural Fresno County?
Join us at the FCRTA’s Electrical Grid Study Virtual Information Room
Virtually explore and learn about the grid, electric vehicles and how electrification can impact rural Fresno County!
Start your Virtual Information Room exploration by clicking here
FCRTA Buses- Invitation to Bid.
FCRTA is offering an invitation to bid on (4) 2007 Bluebird buses. See below documents for further information.
Vehicle Description: Vehicle Description Sheet
Invitation to Bid: Invitation to bid
Bid Form: Copy of FCRTA Bus Bid Form
February 25, 2021 Meeting Agenda
If you wish to address the FCRTA Board during the public comment portion of the agenda, click on the icon labeled “Participants” at the bottom center of your PC or Mac screen. At the bottom of the window on the right side of the screen, click the icon labeled “RaiseHand”. Your digital hand will now be raised.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 913 6598 7774
Passcode: 676370
Join by Phone
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 913 6598 7774
Passcode: 676370
To continue reading the agenda click here:
To continue reading Item 2C Safety Plan click here:
FCRTA Safety Plan
January 28, 2021 Meeting Agenda
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 996 1909 5919
Passcode: 942694
If you wish to address the FCRTA Board during the public comment portion of the agenda, click on the icon labeled “Participants” at the bottom center of your PC or Mac screen. At the bottom of the window on the right side of the screen, click the icon labeled “RaiseHand”. Your digital hand will now be raised.
Join by Phone
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 996 1909 5919
Passcode: 942694
To continue reading the agenda click here:
FCRTA Agenda 1.2021
To continue reading Item 2B, click here:
To continue reading Item 3A, click here:
FCRTA Grid Analysis Workshop
The Fresno County Rural Transit Agency will be holding an educational workshop on Thursday, January 28th at 9:00 a.m., via Zoom. This public workshop, entitled “The FCRTA Grid Study, What It Could Mean for You and Your Rural Community,” will be an opportunity for the community to learn about the grid analysis study, the movement toward electrification, its benefits, and opportunities for effective implementation.
To attend the workshop, connect through the information below. We will be giving door prizes to some lucky participants.
• Date: Thursday, January 28, 2020
• Time: 9:00 – 10:00 a.m.
• Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/98903032042?pwd=Y3d6dVZtT3VSUXJFN2xSVWJFczl1dz09
• Meeting ID: 989 0303 2042
• Password: 995877
• If Joining By Phone, Dial: (669) 900-6833
For more information click here:
FCRTA Workshop 1.28.21 Flyer_English
FCRTA Workshop 1.28.21 Flyer_Spanish
Rural Electric Vehicle Utilization Project
FCRTA in partnership with Inspiration Transportation, launched a new electric vehicle rideshare program in October 2020 called REV-UP. The program provides rides to unincorporated communities using Chevy Bolt electric vehicles. The pilot program launched in West Park followed by Biola and will extend in other rural communities in the future. REV-UP was developed to help fill transportation gaps in sparsely populated, low-density communities where public transit is not viable and where FCRTA is stretched to provide services for residents in need. The pilot project aims to be a vital community resource, providing jobs, education, and health care, as well as a reduction in vehicle emissions to improve air quality.
Primary funding for electric vehicle and project coordination comes from Measure C funds available through the Fresno County Regional Transportation Authority.
For additional information click here:
December 9, 2020, 10:00 a.m. Public Educational Workshop: “The FCRTA Grid Study, What It Could Mean for You and Your Rural Community”
This workshop will be held in Spanish.
Register ahead of time for the workshop:
Eventbrite registration link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/electrical-grid-analysis-study-community-workshop-tickets-131103304513
Educational workshops are being held in conjunction with the FCRTA’s Electrical Grid Analysis Study which is supporting countywide electrification efforts and FCRTA’s planning as we move toward our goal of an all-electric fleet. The Study will assess the capacity of the electric system to support electric vehicle charging infrastructure and other demands throughout rural Fresno County.
These workshops will provide an opportunity to learn about the grid analysis study, the movement toward electrification, its benefits and opportunities for effective implementation.
Workshop Agenda:
1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Introduction to the Study
3. Electrification: What is it and how does it affect me and my community?
a. The movement toward electrification
b. The electric grid and you
c. Opportunities for effective implementation
d. Benefits of electrification
4. The Study
5. Discussion
6. Wrap Up
December 9, 2020, 10:00 a.m. Taller de Educación Pública: “El estudio de la red FCRTA, lo que podría significar para usted y su comunidad rural”
Este taller se llevará a cabo en español.
Favor de registrarse con anticipo para el taller:
Enlace de regristro de Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/electrical-grid-analysis-study-community-workshop-tickets-131103304513
Se están llevando a cabo talleres educativos junto con el Estudio de análisis de red eléctrica de la FCRTA, que respalda los esfuerzos de electrificación en todo el condado y la planificación de la FCRTA a medida que avanza hacia su objetivo de una flota totalmente eléctrica. El estudio evaluará la capacidad del sistema eléctrico para respaldar la infraestructura de carga de vehículos eléctricos y otras demandas en todo el condado rural de Fresno.
Estos talleres brindarán la oportunidad de aprender sobre el estudio de análisis de la red, el movimiento hacia la electrificación, sus beneficios y oportunidades para una implementación efectiva.
Agenda del Taller:
1. Bienvenida y presentaciones
2. Introducción al studio
3. Electrificación: ¿Qué es y cómo me afecta a mí ya mi comunidad?
a. El movimiento hacia la electrificación
b. La red eléctrica y tú
c. Opportunidades para implementación efectiva
d. Beneficios de electrificación
4 . El Estudio
5. Discusión
6. Concluir la reunión
November 19, 2020 Meeting Agenda
Joining the meeting:
Meeting ID: 977 1145 4488
Passcode: 930287
If you wish to address the FCRTA Board during the public comment portion of the agenda, click on the icon labeled “Participants” at the bottom center of your PC or Mac screen. At the bottom of the window on the right side of the screen, click the icon labeled “RaiseHand”. Your digital hand will now be raised.
Join by Phone
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 977 1145 4488
Passcode: 930287
To continue reading the agenda click here: NOV AGENDA
October 29, 2020 Meeting Agenda
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 939 2380 6196
Passcode: 930287
Dial in:
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 939 2380 6196
Passcode: 930287
To continue reading the agenda click here: OCT2020
FCRTA Grid Analysis Public Workshop
November 19, 2020, 1:30 p.m. Public Educational Workshop: “The FCRTA Grid Study, What It Could Mean for You and Your Rural Community”
Join the Zoom Workshop:
Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/92413999635?pwd=NEgvcFpoNzFiUjR4eHBIUU5sbDhOQT09
Meeting ID: 924 1399 9635
Password: 915182
If Joining By Phone, Dial: (669) 900-6833 or (301) 715-8592
Educational workshops are being held in conjunction with the FCRTA’s Electrical Grid Analysis Study which is supporting countywide electrification efforts and FCRTA’s planning as we move toward our goal of an all-electric fleet. The Study will assess the capacity of the electric system to support electric vehicle charging infrastructure and other demands throughout rural Fresno County.
These workshops will provide an opportunity to learn about the grid analysis study, the movement toward electrification, its benefits and opportunities for effective implementation.
Workshop Agenda:
1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Introduction to the Study
3. Electrification: What is it and how does it affect me and my community?
a. The movement toward electrification
b. The electric grid and you
c. Opportunities for effective implementation
d. Benefits of electrification
4. The Study
5. Discussion
6. Wrap Up
Fresno COG Transportation Needs Survey
The Fresno Council of Governments (Fresno COG) is looking for transportation project suggestions that could become part of its 20-year Regional Transportation Plan or RTP.
The RTP is a long-term plan for the Fresno County region’s transportation system that is updated every four years. Our last RTP included over 3,100 projects from around the region and we are in the process of updating that plan now.
Do you have suggestions for roadway, transit, bikeway, trail, or other types of improvements?
Do the streets near you need repair?
Are the roads you travel unsafe or congested?
Would you benefit from a change to current bus stops or schedules?
Does a new bikeway, trail, or sidewalk need to be added in your community?
We want to know! Please tell us by participating in a very brief, easy survey by October 15th. Submit as many project suggestions as you would like. Your project suggestions will be forwarded to the appropriate agency for review, consideration and possible inclusion into the updated RTP or local plans.
To continue reading and take the survey click here: Fresno COG Transportation Needs Survey Invitation Flyer English_Spanish
September 24, 2020 Meeting Agenda
Joining the meeting:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 957 7501 6217
Passcode: 930287
If you wish to address the FCRTA Board during the public comment portion of the agenda, click on the icon labeled “Participants” at the bottom center of your PC or Mac screen. At the bottom of the window on the right side of the screen, click the icon labeled “RaiseHand”. Your digital hand will now be raised.
Join by Phone
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 957 7501 6217
Passcode: 930287
To continue reading download the full agenda here: September 2020 Agenda
July 30th, 2020 Meeting Agenda
Joining the meeting:
Meeting ID: 942 8964 1441
Passcode: 345978
If you wish to address Board during the public comment portion of the agenda, click on the icon labeled “Participants” at the bottom center of your PC or Mac screen. At the bottom of the window on the right side of the screen, click the icon labeled “RaiseHand”. Your digital hand will now be raised.
Join by Phone
(669) 900-6833 US
Meeting ID: 942 8964 1441
Passcode: 345978
To continue reading download the full agenda here: FCRTA JULY
To continue reading download the agenda attachments below:
new tech
June 25, 2020 Meeting Agenda
Joining the meeting:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 993 2470 0233
Password: 886827
If you wish to address the FCRTA Board during the public comment portion of the agenda, click on the icon labeled “Participants” at the bottom center of your PC or Mac screen. At the bottom of the window on the right side of the screen, click the icon labeled “RaiseHand”. Your digital hand will now be raised.
Join by Phone
(669) 900-6833 US
Meeting ID: 993 2470 0233
Password: 886827
When on the phone, if you wish to address the FCRTA Board during the public comment portion of the agenda, Press *9 to “RaiseHand” and we will select you from the meeting cue. Use *6 to unmute yourself before speaking.
Those addressing the FCRTA Board must state their first and last name and agency for the record.
To facilitate electronic access, no person shall speak until recognized by the Chair.
To continue reading download the full agenda FCRTA JUNE AGENDA
To continue reading download the agenda attachments:
BUDGET 20-21
Fresno EOC OPB 2020-2021
Notice to passengers:
Effective Thursday June 18th, 2020 all passengers are required to wear protective face coverings (cloth masks, paper masks, bandanas or scarves) on FCRTA buses. This requirement is per the latest State of California Health and Human Services Agency- California Department of Public Health guidelines on COVID-19. This policy will be in place until further notice Thank you for your cooperation.
For more information call 1-855-612-5184 or download the flyer:
English Masks 6-18-20
Spanish Mask 6-18-20
Title VI Complaint Procedure & Form
Any person who believes that he/she, or as a member of any specific class of individuals, has been subjected to discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, age sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity with respect to Fresno County Rural Transit Agency programs, activities, services, or other transit related benefits, may file a written Complaint with Fresno County Rural Transit Agency.
To learn how to file a Title VI complaint, download the full PDF document.
— — —
To view the document you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Please note that the document may not display correctly unless you have the most current version of Adobe installed on your machine. Download it now for free!
May 28, 2020 Meeting Agenda
The FCRTA Board Agenda has been amended on May 26, 2020 to update the call in number for the meeting.
Out of abundance of caution regarding the COVID-19 virus, the May 28, 2020 scheduled FCRTA Board Meeting will be held via zoom.
Joining the Meeting:
Meeting ID: 985 5309 8196
Password: 636165
Dial-in number: (669) 900-6833
Meeting ID: 985 5309 8196
Password: 636165
If you wish to address Policy Board during the public comment portion of the agenda, click on the icon labeled “Participants” at the bottom center of your PC or Mac screen. At the bottom of the window on the right side of the screen, click the icon labeled “RaiseHand”. Your digital hand will now be raised.
Join by Phone
Meeting ID: 985 5309 81
Password: 636165
To continue reading download the full agenda MAY AGENDA-001
To continue reading download all attachments
2020.05.12.2 Appvd KART Agreement 20-21
Dinuba Agreement 2020-21
Fresno EOC OPB 2020-2021
April 30, 2020 Meeting Agenda
Out of abundance of caution regarding the COVID-19 virus, the April 30, 2020 scheduled FCRTA Board Meeting will be held via teleconference.
Conference Call Info:
Toll Free Number: 888-398-2342
Participant Code: 740166
To continue download the full agenda FCRTA APRIL AGENDA
FCRTA 2020-21 Budget
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency’s (FCRTA) Budget for 2020-21 has been developed for your review, comments, and action during a forty-five (45) day review period that will culminate on June 25, 2020, with the scheduled FCRTA Board Meeting.
To continue reading, download the 2020-21 Budget. BUDGET 20-21
Notice to Passengers:
In an effort to follow the COVID-19 guidelines and recommendations please practice social distancing when riding the bus allowing proper space between you and other passengers. We will also be practicing the recommendation of no groups of 10 or more. If there is more than 10 people on the bus, we will ask that you wait for the next bus to arrive. All passengers are also encouraged to wear protective face coverings (cloth masks, paper masks, or scarves) on FCRTA buses. This policy will be in place until further notice Thank you for your cooperation.
For more information call 1-855-612-5184 or see the attached flyer ATTENTION RIDERS FLYERS
February 27 – Meeting Agenda
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency meeting agenda for February 27, 2020.
To continue reading download the full agenda FEB2020Agenda
January 30 – Meeting Agenda
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency meeting agenda for January 30, 2020.
To continue reading download the full agenda January 2020 Board Agenda
Westside Transit Route Update
The Westside Transit route was modified on February 3, 2020 to include a stop in West Park at Saber’s Market. This stop will be terminated on May 4, 2020 due to lack of ridership after a 3 month demonstration period.
We thank you for your patronage in riding the bus during this demonstration period. To continue reading download the public notice Westside West Park Notice
For schedule and fares call 1-855-612-5184.
Annual Transit Productivity Evaluation FY 18
The Annual Transit Productivity Evaluation is conducted to identify, analyze and recommend potential productivity improvements which could lower operating costs.
To continue reading download the document 2019 Annual Productivity Evaluation_
RFP Grid Analysis Study – Due March 3, 2020
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency is requesting proposals from qualified consultants for conducting an electrical grid analysis study in rural Fresno County. The intent of this RFP is to retain a consultant to:
– Assess grid capacity in rural Fresno County and identify areas that have the load capacity and can sustain EV charging infrastructure as well as identify areas that require upgrades.
– Identify the grid capacity required based on growth and increased EV charging infrastructure.
– Determine capital costs for any identified upgrades due to substandard segments of the grid.
Identify potential funding sources and strategic partnerships.
Questions should be emailed to delcampo@fresnocog.org. Proposals are due and must be received at the FCRTA office at
2035 Tulare Street, Suite 201, Fresno, CA 93721, by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, March 4, 2020.
Download the full RFP here RFP Grid Analysis Study Due 3.4.2020
Questions to the RFP were due February 5th, 2020. FCRTA has received the following questions and provided the following answers in response to the RFP for the Electrical Grid Analysis Study. FCRTA Official Responses to RFP Questions Grid Analysis
December 11 – Special Meeting Agenda
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency Special Meeting Agenda for December 11th, 2019.
To continue reading download the full agenda. FCRTA DEC AGENDA
Fiscal Year 2018-19 Audit
To continue reading the Fresno County Rural Transit Agency Fiscal Year 2018-19 Audit, download the full report. 2018_19 Audit
November 21 – Meeting Agenda
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency Meeting Agenda for November 21, 2019.
To continue reading download the full agenda. FCRTA_Packet Nov 2019
Nov Board Attachments
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To view the document you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Please note that the document may not display correctly unless you have the most current version of Adobe installed on your machine. Download it now for free!
October 30 – Meeting Agenda
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency Meeting Agenda for October 30, 2019.
To continue reading download the full agenda. oct 2019 agenda
New Orange Cove Express Route
To better serve you, FCRTA is introducing a new Orange Cove Inter-City Express Route with an Electric Bus beginning October 1st!
To continue reading download the flyer. OC Express Flyer
September 26 – Meeting Agenda
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency Meeting Agenda for September 26, 2019.
To continue reading download the full agenda. FCRTA Agenda 092619
July 25- Meeting Agenda
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency Meeting Agenda for July 25, 2019.
To continue reading download the full agenda. July 2019 Agenda
June 27- Meeting Agenda
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency Meeting Agenda for June 27, 2019.
To continue reading download the full agenda.
FCRTA June 2019 Agenda Packet
May 30 – Meeting Agenda
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency Meeting Agenda for May 30, 2019.
To continue reading download the full agenda.
Safety and Security Service Agreements with the Cities of Mendota, Selma, Reedley and Fowler for FY 2019-20
City of Dinuba Transit Agreement for FY 2019-2020
Kings Area Rural Transit Agreement for FY 2019-2020
Short Range Transit Plan for the Rural Fresno County Area
The Short Range Transit Plan (SRTP) for the Rural Fresno County Area has been developed by the Fresno Council of Governments (Fresno COG) in cooperation with the Cities of Coalinga, Firebaugh, Fowler, Huron, Kerman, Kingsburg, Mendota, Orange Cove, Parlier, Reedley, Sanger, San Joaquin, Selma, and the County of Fresno.
To continue reading, download the full SRTP Rural SRTP 2020-2024
Draft 2019-20 Budget
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency’s (FCRTA) Budget for 2019-2020 has been developed for your review, comments, and action during a forty-five (45) day review period that will culminate on June 27, 2019, with the scheduled FCRTA Board Meeting.
To continue reading, download the Draft 2019-20 Budget 2019-20 Budget Final
April 25 – Meeting Agenda
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency Meeting Agenda for April 25, 2019.
To continue reading download the full agenda.
Long Range Transit Plan
Fresno COG has developed Fresno County’s first integrated Long Range Transit Plan (LRTP). The LRTP will guide transit and multimodal investment in the Fresno County region through the year 2050.
To continue reading, download the full LRTP Final Draft document.
March 28- Meeting Agenda
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency Meeting Agenda for March 28, 2019.
To continue reading, download the full agenda.
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To view the document you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Please note that the document may not display correctly unless you have the most current version of Adobe installed on your machine. Download it now for free!
Del Rey Transit Service and Fare Change Notice
The Del Rey Transit will now be offering Saturday service and changing the weekday service hours. The Saturday service will be offered for a three (3) month demonstration period beginning April 1, 2019.
Fiscal Year 2017-18 Audit
To continue reading the FCRTA Fiscal Year 2017-18 Draft Audit, download the full report.
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To view the document you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Please note that the document may not display correctly unless you have the most current version of Adobe installed on your machine. Download it now for free!
Transit Productivity Evaluation FY 2018
The Annual Transit Productivity Evaluation is conducted to identify, analyze and recommend potential productivity improvements which could lower the operating costs.
To continue reading, download the full document.
February 28 – Meeting Agenda
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency (FCRTA) Meeting Agenda for Thursday, February 28, 2019.
To continue reading, download the full meeting agenda.
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To view the document you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Please note that the document may not display correctly unless you have the most current version of Adobe installed on your machine. Download it now for free!
2019 Unmet Transit Needs – Public Comments Process
Do you or someone you know have a public transit need that is not being met? The Fresno Council of Governments (FCOG) Social Services Transportation Advisory Council would like to hear from you!
If you would like to provide comments on public transit needs in Fresno County, you can find out more by downloading the flyers in English and Spanish.
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To view the document you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Please note that the document may not display correctly unless you have the most current version of Adobe installed on your machine. Download it now for free!
FCRTA No-Show/Cancelation Policy
FCRTA Demand Response Service depends on efficient scheduling to accommodate as many passengers as possible. Therefore, it is important that once a passenger schedules a trip, the trip be used or canceled within a reasonable amount of time. To ensure service efficiency and effectiveness, FCRTA has implemented a no-show policy for the Demand Response Service.
To learn more, download the policy document in English and Spanish.
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To view the document you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Please note that the document may not display correctly unless you have the most current version of Adobe installed on your machine. Download it now for free!
Reminder of FCRTA’s Inclement Weather (Especially Fog) Policy
Memorandum to All Transit Drivers / Dispatchers / General Public. To continue reading, download the full memo.
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November 15 – Meeting Agenda
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency (FCRTA) Meeting Agenda for Thursday, November 15, 2018.
To continue reading, download the full meeting agenda.
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To view the document you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Please note that the document may not display correctly unless you have the most current version of Adobe installed on your machine. Download it now for free!
October 25 – Meeting Agenda
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency (FCRTA) Meeting Agenda for Thursday, October 25, 2018.
To continue reading, download the full meeting agenda.
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To view the document you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Please note that the document may not display correctly unless you have the most current version of Adobe installed on your machine. Download it now for free!
To better serve the community, Fresno County Rural Transit Agency has selected MV Transportation as our new route and dispatch service provider!
- 1-855-612-5184 will be the new phone number for scheduling rides on and after Tuesday, September 4, 2018
- Service will not be affected by this transition in any way
- There will be NO changes to routes during the transition to MV
For more information, please download the flyer.
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To view the document you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Please note that the document may not display correctly unless you have the most current version of Adobe installed on your machine. Download it now for free!
June 28 – Meeting Agenda
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency (FCRTA) Meeting Agenda for Thursday, June 28, 2018.
To continue reading, download the full meeting agenda in part-1, part-2, and part-3.
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To view the document you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Please note that the document may not display correctly unless you have the most current version of Adobe installed on your machine. Download it now for free!
May 31 – Meeting Agenda
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency (FCRTA) Meeting Agenda for Thursday, May 31, 2018.
To continue reading, download the full meeting agenda in part-1 and part-2.
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To view the document you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Please note that the document may not display correctly unless you have the most current version of Adobe installed on your machine. Download it now for free!
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency 2018 Operations and Maintenance Request for Proposals
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency is requesting technical and cost proposals from qualified and experienced contractors to provide operations and maintenance service for Fresno County Rural Transit Agency Transit (FCRTA) programs. Proposals will be received by Fresno County Rural Transit Agency, 2035 Tulare Street, Suite 201, Fresno, CA 93721, until 5:00 P.M., on May 17, 2018.
FCRTA 2018 RFP Addendum #2, Addendum #3, Addendum #4, Addendum #5, Addendum #6, and Addendum #7 can now be downloaded by following the links.
To access the full RFP, download the PDF document, updated accompanying forms, and information from the pre-bid conference.
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To view the document you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Please note that the document may not display correctly unless you have the most current version of Adobe installed on your machine. Download it now for free!
April 26 – Meeting Agenda
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency (FCRTA) Meeting Agenda for Thursday, April 26, 2018.
To continue reading, download the full meeting agenda.
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To view the document you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Please note that the document may not display correctly unless you have the most current version of Adobe installed on your machine. Download it now for free!
West Park Route Termination Notice
The West Park community fixed route that started service on November 13th, 2017 will end on May 11th, 2018 due to lack of ridership after a six (6) month demonstration period.
To learn more, download the noticing document in English and Spanish.
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To view the document you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Please note that the document may not display correctly unless you have the most current version of Adobe installed on your machine. Download it now for free!
March 29 – Meeting Agenda
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency (FCRTA) Meeting Agenda for Thursday, March 29, 2018.
To continue reading, download the full meeting agenda.
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To view the document you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Please note that the document may not display correctly unless you have the most current version of Adobe installed on your machine. Download it now for free!
Do you or someone you know have a public transit need that is not being met? The Fresno Council of Governments (FCOG) Social Services Transportation Advisory Council would like to hear from you!
If you would like to provide comments on public transit needs in Fresno County, please see the attached document for more details.
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To view the document you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Please note that the document may not display correctly unless you have the most current version of Adobe installed on your machine. Download it now for free!
February 22 – Meeting Agenda
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency (FCRTA) Meeting Agenda for Thursday, February 22, 2018.
To continue reading, download the full meeting agenda.
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To view the document you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Please note that the document may not display correctly unless you have the most current version of Adobe installed on your machine. Download it now for free!
January 25 – Meeting Agenda
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency (FCRTA) Meeting Agenda for Thursday, January 25, 2018.
To continue reading, download the full meeting agenda.
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To view the document you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Please note that the document may not display correctly unless you have the most current version of Adobe installed on your machine. Download it now for free!
A Workshop for the Fresno County Regional Long-Range Transit Plan will be taking place in Selma, November 14, 2017
The Fresno Council of Governments (Fresno COG) and its partner agencies are undertaking development of Fresno County’s first integrated Long-Range Transit Plan (LRTP). When completed, the LRTP will guide transit and multimodal investment in the Fresno County Region through the year 2050.
Please join us at the upcoming workshop to learn more about the LRTP and to provide your input on recommendations.
To see the details for the workshop, download the noticing flyer in English and Spanish.
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To view the document you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Please note that the document may not display correctly unless you have the most current version of Adobe installed on your machine. Download it now for free!
October 26 – Meeting Agenda
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency (FCRTA) Meeting Agenda for Thursday, October 26, 2017.
To continue reading, download the full meeting agenda.
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To view the document you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Please note that the document may not display correctly unless you have the most current version of Adobe installed on your machine. Download it now for free!
September 28 – Meeting Agenda
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency (FCRTA) Meeting Agenda for Thursday, September 28, 2017.
To continue reading, download the full meeting agenda.
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To view the document you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Please note that the document may not display correctly unless you have the most current version of Adobe installed on your machine. Download it now for free!
June 29 – Meeting Agenda
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency (FCRTA) Meeting Agenda for Thursday, June 29, 2017.
To continue reading, download the full meeting agenda.
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To view the document you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Please note that the document may not display correctly unless you have the most current version of Adobe installed on your machine. Download it now for free!
FCRTA 2017-18 Budget
The Fresno County Rural Transit Agency’s 2017-18 Budget.
To learn more, download the full PDF document.
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To view the document you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Please note that the document may not display correctly unless you have the most current version of Adobe installed on your machine. Download it now for free!
March 30 – Meeting Agenda
The Air District recently awarded FCRTA a $3,062,593 grant to purchase four (4) forty (40) foot zero emission electric buses (Proterra) and four (4) depot chargers. FCRTA has a match requirement of $838,312, which consists of $335,325 cash match and $402,987 in the form of in-kind match. The cash match is in the annual budget specifically for this project. FCRTA will be required by the grant to put the buses and depot chargers into service and provide written reports to the Air District. The grant requires an agreement between the Air District and FCRTA.
The Air District prepared a proposed Grant Agreement for FCRTA’s review, which is enclosed. The FCRTA General Manager has identified certain required changes to Sections 4 (Standards of Performance), 7 (Match Fund Requirement), and 9 (Payments) of the Grant Agreement to conform FCRTA’s obligations and financial commitments. FCRTA’s General Manager and legal counsel will work with the Air District to make the required changes to the Grant Agreement prior to execution.
To continue reading, download the full meeting agenda.
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To view the document you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Please note that the document may not display correctly unless you have the most current version of Adobe installed on your machine. Download it now for free!
Short Range Transit Plan for 2018 – 2022
The Short Range Transit Plan (SRTP) for the Rural Fresno County Area has been developed by the Fresno Council of Governments (Fresno COG) in cooperation with the Cities of Coalinga, Firebaugh, Fowler, Huron, Kerman, Kingsburg, Mendota, Orange Cove, Parlier, Reedley, Sanger, San Joaquin, Selma, the County of Fresno, and Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission (FEOC).
To read the full plan, download the PDF.
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To view the document you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Please note that the document may not display correctly unless you have the most current version of Adobe installed on your machine. Download it now for free!