Fares: Passenger fares are subsidized to be reasonable and encourage frequent trips. One-way fares for service within a community range from 50 cents to 75 cents for the general public. Senior citizens, disabled and veterans ride for free on intra-city buses.
Fares for intercity service are generally half the price of fares granted to common carriers by the California Public Utilities Commission. They range from 75 cents to $6.00 per one-way trip, depending on distance traveled. Fares may be subject to change.
For transit fare or monthly pass purchase information, call 559-233-6789.
Passes: Annual, monthly and discount passes may be offered by the transit agency providing service in your area. For transit fare or monthly pass purchase information, call 559-233-6789. Passes can also be purchased at the FCRTA offices located at 2035 Tulare Street, Suite 201, Fresno, California 93721.